Planning a Motorcycle Route

Planning a motorcycle route is much more than a logistical task; it's the blueprint of your upcoming adventure on two wheels. Carefully chart your course to unlock the potential for breathtaking scenery, undiscovered paths, and the exhilarating experience on the road.

In this guide, we delve into the crucial elements of planning a motorcycle tour that aligns with your unique style and preferences. Along the way, we'll share tips on choosing the best destinations, finding the right accommodations, and staying adaptable to unexpected changes. Our goal is to help you create not just a route, but an unforgettable motorcycle touring experience.


Touring Style

Deciding which motorcycle touring style best suits you involves considering several factors related to your preferences, experience, and the kind of adventure you seek. Here's how you can determine your ideal touring style in planning a motorcycle route:

  • Assess Your Riding Skills and Experience: Your comfort and skill level on a motorcycle play a significant role. If you're a new rider, starting with shorter trips is advisable, as long-distance tours can be both exhausting and challenging for those with less experience.

    If you're considering longer tours, ensure you are "motorcycle fit." This means being familiar with your machine and comfortable riding it for extended periods. Jumping straight into a long journey can be a bit of a shock to the system, not to mention a real pain in the neck, and let's not even talk about the aches in other places! To keep things smooth and enjoyable, it's a good idea to get in some regular riding time. Treat it like a friendly catch-up with your bike. This way, you and your muscles get to know what to expect, making those longer rides feel like a breeze rather than a marathon.

  • Think About Your Adventure Level: Your preferred level of adventure plays a significant role in determining your ideal motorcycle touring style. If you're someone who gets a thrill from off-road challenges and doesn't shy away from a bit of dust and grit, adventure touring could be your calling. This style often involves tackling varying terrains, from gravel paths to mountain trails, offering an exhilarating mix of natural obstacles and stunning landscapes. It's a chance to test your riding skills and embrace the unpredictability of the journey.

    Alternatively, if you're drawn to the thrill of winding roads, sport touring might be your ideal match. Sport touring is all about the joy of the ride, with routes often chosen for their engaging curves and elevations, offering an exhilarating experience that tests your riding finesse. This style combines the excitement of speed and agility with the pleasure of experiencing breathtaking landscapes, perfect for riders who want a dynamic journey filled with visual splendour.

    On the other end of the spectrum, for those who prefer a more laid-back approach, cruiser and luxury touring are all about smooth, serene rides along scenic byways. Cruiser touring offers a relaxed, comfortable ride, ideal for those long, contemplative journeys where the focus is as much on the scenery as it is on the ride. Luxury touring takes this concept a step further, providing all the amenities for a truly comfortable journey. It's about enjoying a seamless ride where every mile brings a new picturesque vista, allowing you to absorb the beauty of the landscape in absolute comfort.

motorcycle touring adventure level
  • Know Your Motorcycle: Don't forget that your bike will also dictate your touring style. Different motorcycles are suited for different types of touring. For instance, if you're astride a sport-touring machine, it's advisable to steer clear of challenging gravel paths or mountain trails. While it's tempting to test the limits (and we've all been there, pushing our bikes beyond the expected), it's wise to adhere to the intended use of your motorcycle. This approach not only ensures your safety but also helps in maintaining the longevity of your bike.

  • Solo vs. Group Touring: Solo touring offers an unparalleled sense of freedom and adventure. When you're on the road alone, your journey is entirely yours to shape. You have the liberty to make spontaneous decisions, change routes on a whim, and spend as much or as little time as you like at any location. This independence allows for a deeply personal experience, where you can connect with your surroundings and your thoughts in a way that's rarely possible in everyday life. However, it's important to remember that solo touring also demands a higher level of self-reliance. You'll need to be well-prepared for any situation, from navigation challenges to mechanical issues. It's an opportunity to test your resilience and resourcefulness.

    Conversely, group touring brings its own set of joys and advantages. Riding with friends or fellow enthusiasts creates a sense of camaraderie and shared adventure that many riders find enriching. Group tours can offer a sense of security, as you have others to rely on in case of emergencies or unexpected challenges. It's also a great way to exchange stories, experiences, and tips with like-minded individuals. However, group touring requires compromise and coordination. Routes and stops need to be agreed upon by all, and the pace must suit everyone in the group. This can limit spontaneity but also leads to shared experiences that can forge lasting bonds.

  • Budget Considerations: When planning a motorcycle tour, the potential costs involved can vary significantly depending on your touring style. Accommodation is one of the major expenses; for instance, staying in hotels or bed-and-breakfasts will be more costly than camping. If you prefer the comfort of a hotel, booking in advance or traveling during the off-season can often result in better rates. On the other hand, camping not only cuts costs but also adds an element of adventure to your trip.

    Another key factor is food and dining. Eating at restaurants every meal can quickly add up, so consider packing meals or cooking at your campsite. However, part of the joy of touring can be experiencing local cuisines, so you might want to allocate a portion of your budget to enjoy these culinary experiences. Don't forget to factor in fuel costs, especially if riding a bike with lower fuel efficiency or planning a route through areas with higher petrol prices.

    Remember, budgeting wisely doesn't mean compromising on the quality of your experience. It's about making informed choices that align with your financial comfort and travel desires. By planning ahead and being mindful of where and how you spend, you can enjoy a fulfilling tour without breaking the bank.

  • Personal Interests and Goals: Think about what you want to get out of the tour. Whether you're seeking relaxation on scenic roads, the thrill of winding mountain paths, the joy of discovering new cultures and places, or the challenge of demanding terrains and distances, your touring style should align with these aspirations. This ensures not only a more satisfying journey but also helps you make choices about routes, accommodations, and pace that truly resonate with your personal interests.

motorcycle sport touring

Researching Destinations

When planning a motorcycle tour, researching your destinations and points of interest is key to a successful and enjoyable trip. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Online Resources: Start by using search engines like Google to find out more about your planned destination. By exploring travel websites and blogs about your destination you should find detailed insights into the area, including must-visit spots, road conditions, and attractions. Look for reviews or articles that include personal stories and tips from individual riders, as these can offer unique insights and practical advice.

  • Motorcycle Touring Forums: Online forums are a goldmine of information and real-world experiences shared by the motorcycling community. Depending on where you are, use local motorcycle forums. They can offer invaluable advice like route recommendations, safety tips, and perhaps even connect with other riders who have first-hand experience of the places you wish to visit.

  • Travel Guides and Books: Don't underestimate the value of traditional travel guides and books. They often contain comprehensive information about destinations, including historical context, cultural highlights, and local secrets that you might not find online.

  • Social Media and Travel Vlogs: Check out the official tourism websites of the areas you plan to visit. They often have updated information on local events, festivals, and any ongoing construction work that might affect your route.

  • Weather and Road Condition Updates: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and road conditions for your planned destinations. Websites and apps that offer real-time updates can be crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey.

  • Cultural and Local Customs: Research the cultural norms and local customs of your destinations, especially if you're touring in a foreign country. Understanding local etiquette and laws can greatly enhance your interaction with locals and help you respect local practices.

  • Online Resources: Start by using search engines like Google to find out more about your planned destination. By exploring travel websites and blogs about your destination you should find detailed insights into the area, including must-visit spots, road conditions, and attractions. Look for reviews or articles that include personal stories and tips from individual riders, as these can offer unique insights and practical advice.

Remember, the key to a great motorcycle tour is in the details. Thorough research not only helps you discover the best routes and sights but also prepares you for unexpected situations, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable adventure.

Best Motorcycle Tour Planner

Planning the perfect motorcycle tour involves more than just picking a destination; it's about carefully mapping your journey for the best experience. Here's how the Best Motorcycle Tour Planner can assist you:

  • Essential Mapping Tools and Apps for Motorcyclists:

    Google Earth: Great to view the terrain and surroundings. This can help you visualize your route, estimate travel times, and even discover interesting detours or lesser-known attractions along your path.

    Rever: Tailor-made for motorcyclists, this app offers features for discovering new routes, tracking your journey, and connecting with other riders.

    Calimoto: Designed to find the most scenic routes, perfect for those seeking a visually stunning ride.

    Waze: Excellent for real-time traffic information, helping you steer clear of congestions and road closures.

    Offline Maps: Essential for remote areas, with apps like Google Maps offline feature ensuring you're always on track.

  • Crafting the Perfect Route: Balancing Beauty, Safety, and Comfort: Deciding on the best motorcycle tour planner can indeed be a daunting task, given the plethora of options available. Often, the most effective strategy is to use a combination of the tools and resources mentioned above.

    By integrating the reliable route planning of Google Earth, the motorcycle route planning software like Rever and Calimoto and the real-time updates from Waze, you create a robust and versatile planning toolkit. Additionally, incorporating offline maps ensures you're prepared even in remote areas. This blended approach allows you to leverage the strengths of each tool, ensuring a well-rounded and thoroughly planned motorcycle tour. By combining these resources, you can tailor your journey to include scenic beauty, ensure road safety, and maintain comfort throughout your adventure.

  • Blending Tradition with Technology - The Art of Planning a Motorcycle Route: Using physical maps brings a classic and reliable dimension to your journey. Physical maps provide a broad, tangible overview of your route, which can be especially helpful for understanding the larger geographical context of your trip. They are invaluable in areas with limited internet connectivity or as a dependable backup if digital devices fail.

    Additionally, many riders find that planning with a physical map enhances their anticipation and excitement for the adventure ahead. It allows for a more hands-on, interactive approach to route planning, where you can mark out your path, note points of interest, and have a quick reference guide during your journey. Combining physical maps with digital tools offers the best of both worlds—modern convenience and traditional reliability—ensuring a well-prepared and enjoyable tour.

motorcycle sport touring

Accommodation and Stopovers

Selecting your accommodations and stopovers is a vital part of planning, requiring a balance between convenience, comfort, and adventure. While ideal choices should be close to your planned route to minimize detours, sometimes this may not be possible. Your preferences might range from the comfort of hotels and B&Bs to the adventurous spirit of camping, depending on what your taste dictates. Additionally, when planning a motorcycle route, consider rider-friendly features like secure motorcycle parking and laundry facilities, and always check reviews for insights into safety, cleanliness, and service quality.

The decision between booking accommodations in advance versus finding spots on the go can significantly impact your tour experience. Booking in advance offers the security of a guaranteed place to stay, often at a better rate. This is particularly advisable during peak travel seasons or in popular destinations, where finding last-minute lodging can be challenging.

A hybrid approach can often be the best solution: book in advance for key locations or busy times, and leave room for impromptu decisions. This way, you can enjoy the peace of mind of secured accommodations while retaining the freedom to explore. Thoughtfully planning your stopovers and accommodations is a crucial aspect of planning a motorcycle route. It can enhance the comfort and enjoyment of your tour, ensuring a memorable and stress-free adventure.

Preparing for the Unexpected

When planning a motorcycle tour, preparing for the unexpected is as crucial as planning your route and accommodations. This ensures that your adventure remains enjoyable and safe, even when faced with unforeseen circumstances.

  • Contingency Planning for Weather, Road Closures, and Emergencies: Weather can be unpredictable and can significantly impact road conditions and safety. Therefore, it's essential to regularly check weather forecasts for your route and have a plan for shelter in case of severe conditions like storms or extreme heat. Equip yourself with suitable gear for varying weather, such as waterproof clothing for rain and breathable fabrics for heat.

    Stay updated with local traffic news and have alternative routes planned. GPS devices and above mapping apps often provide real-time traffic updates, which can be invaluable.

    Emergencies, whether medical or mechanical, require immediate attention. Always carry a basic first aid kit and know the basics of first aid. For mechanical issues, a toolkit suited to your motorcycle's needs and basic repair knowledge can be a lifesaver. Additionally, keep emergency contact numbers handy, including local emergency services and a roadside assistance service if available.

  • Importance of Flexibility in Route Planning: Flexibility is key in motorcycle touring. While having a planned route is important, being open to changes can enhance your experience. Sometimes, a detour can lead to discovering a hidden gem or avoiding a congested area. This flexibility also reduces stress when faced with unexpected road closures or delays.

    Building in extra time into your schedule for each day's ride can be beneficial. It allows for a relaxed pace and the freedom to explore or take breaks as needed. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Being flexible with your route planning ensures that you can adapt to whatever comes your way, turning potential challenges into opportunities for adventure.

By preparing for the unexpected and maintaining flexibility in planning a motorcycle route, you can ensure a more resilient and enjoyable motorcycle tour. These practices not only safeguard against potential difficulties but also open up possibilities for spontaneous experiences and discoveries along the way.

motorcycle sport touring in a group


In the realm of motorcycle touring, the essence lies in striking a balance between detailed preparation and the ability to embrace spontaneity. Selecting a destination that matches your riding style and ability is the first step. This is followed by a thorough route mapping using digital tools like Google Maps and motorcycle route planning software, focusing on factors such as road conditions and notable attractions. Accommodation planning also plays a crucial role; deciding between pre-booked hotels or camping sites and leaving room for impromptu stays enhances both the security and adventure of your journey.

Preparing for the unexpected I essential, always consider weather changes or road closures. Equipping yourself with essential gear, a repair kit, and a first aid kit can be lifesaving. The true art of planning a motorcycle route lies in maintaining flexibility. Being open to altering your route in response to unforeseen circumstances can transform potential obstacles into unique opportunities, enriching your touring experience. Ultimately, effective planning a motorcycle route is about finding the perfect harmony between meticulous preparation and the freedom to explore.

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Fun Facts

Did you know the world's longest motorcycle was over 26 meters long. It was presented and measured at Lakhota lake, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India, on 22 January 2014. The bike was more than 4 m (13 ft) longer than the previous record holder's.

To ensure that his super-stretched motorcycle would be able to perform like a conventional motorbike, the constructor rode it along a road for 100 m (328 ft) without putting his feet down.

Tip of the week:

Never grab the front brake; squeeze it!

Grabbing the front brake abruptly can cause the front wheel to lock, as it doesn't allow time for the bike's weight to shift forward.This significantly reduces the front tyre's grip on the road and may result in loss of control, posing a serious risk of an accident.

Did you know?

The aerodynamic drag on a motorcycle can increase by up to 40% just by the rider sitting upright instead of in a tucked position. It's a wind-resistance thing—like trying to walk through a pool vs. gliding through it!

Photo of the week

motorcycle camping
Motorcycle Camping

Forget the fuss of hotels; discover the liberating joy of motorcycle camping with us, and elevate your road trips from memorable to absolutely legendary!

Having the camping gear with you grants the freedom to decide where and how you want to spend your nights, including the option of choosing a hotel bed if desired. Though it's common to camp every day due to the desire for fresh air and the outdoors when you're prepared.

motorcycle camping

Reading List:

Joke of the week

What's a motorcycle's least favourite game?

Hide and squeak!

Riding Techniques

Ready to elevate your skills from basic riding to mastering the road? This guide aims to do just that by uncovering crucial riding techniques that will boost your confidence, safety and enjoyment on the tarmac. But we're not stopping at mere tips and tricks; we're going the extra mile.

riding techniques
10 Reasons Why You Should Ride a Motorcycle

Riding a motorcycle is like savouring a five-star Michelin meal when you're absolutely famished. It's an experience that not only satisfies an immediate craving but also leaves a lasting impression. Just like that first bite of an extraordinary dish makes you forget the world around you, so does the initial twist of the throttle. Your focus narrows to the sensation of the bike, the road, and the rhythm of your breathing. It's an immediate way to bring mindfulness into your day.

motorcycle luggage

So next time you feel weighed down by the demands of life, remember that your two-wheeled 'Michelin experience' awaits you. One session on the road can recalibrate your mood quicker than you can say 'Michelin star.' It's the sort of lifelong journey that never disappoints, always offering new flavours for your soul to relish.

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